Gfk Holidays
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We didn't sell tours,
We create them for you

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Due to our vast network, we get you the best available rates on all stays & tours!

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Our team of locals know all the right places to visit for the most authentic trip to the Malaysia.

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Top-rated tours

There’s a reason we are the top-rated travel agency for trips to the Malaysia! We utilize our passion, years of experience, and familiarity with the local community to create the most well-planned & unique itineraries you could imagine. When you travel with GFK Holidays, you can rest easy knowing that all the details are handled by a team of experts who care.

Bali indonesia

Lake Bratan - Handara Gate - Ubud Rice Terraces - Mother Temple of Bali - Hot Air Balloon Experience - Bali Best of Nusa

Visit Bali’s most iconic sights that you always see on postcards and lnstagram! Snap photos and experie­nce the beauty in the North. Immerse yourself in nature and Balinese culture while exploring monuments and natural wonders.





George Town: Food Hop with Heritage on a Plate - Best of Penang Street & Local Food Tour

Experience an authentic taste of Penang. Learn to prepare delicious recipes with a local chef and enjoy a full lunch after a visit to a garden to learn more about spices. 





Langkawi Tour

Langkawi Mangrove Safari Boat Tour - 4-Hour Jet Ski Tour Dayang Bunting 8 Islands

Langkawi, officially known by its sobriquet Langkawi, the Jewel of Kedah, is a duty-free island and an archipelago of 99 islands located some 30 km off the coast of northwestern Malaysia and a few kilometres south of Ko Tarutao, adjacent to the Thai border.




Kuala Lumpur Tour

Kuala Lumpur Lake - City Tour - Full Day Tour to Taman Negara

Kuala Lumpur is the capital of Malaysia. Its modern skyline is dominated by the 451m-tall Petronas Twin Towers, a pair of glass-and-steel-clad skyscrapers with Islamic motifs. The towers also offer a public skybridge and observation deck. The city is also home to British colonial-era landmarks such as the Kuala Lumpur Railway Station and the Sultan Abdul Samad Building.


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